Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bio fuels leave a big carbon foot print.

NT Times has a compilation of questions for the debate in Texas tonight. Here is one that caught the eye:

A year ago, there was tremendous support for federal spending on ethanol and other biofuel programs. Since that time, new information has surfaced indicating that biofuel programs will most likely drive up food prices, which would hurt the poor. The production of biofuels may also increase carbon emissions, because tracts of the carbon-absorbing rain forest would be cut to make room for biofuel or food crops. As this new information emerges, will your policy on biofuels change? What is your current position?

Portland, Ore.

All the Democratic candidates chose to praise ethanol because Iowa was in play and later Minnesota was in play. Well they are still at play in the general. So will have a change in position?

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