Thursday, April 3, 2008

Obama is looking past the Nomination

Below is the message sent from the Obama campaign. The operative phrases are in bold.

There may be a subtext that is both benign and possibly even strategic. One that the management at the campaign level may be looking to build the movement into something larger and broader than just an election. This may be the benign intention. It is also possible that such an effort is to woo all the super delegates out there who believe in the 50 state strategy and who are particularly in red states or districts to look at this as a shout of support. A dog whistle, if you will. This may be part of the strategy going in to the convention. Whatever it is, they have a lot of money and are clearly committing resources to organizing beyond the last primary election. Howard Dean should certainly be happy about this.

I want to tell you about one of the most exciting projects of this campaign. It's called the Obama Organizing Fellowship.

When I was a young man, I was inspired by the Civil Rights Movement and the idea of people working at a grassroots level to bring about change.

I got my chance on the South Side of Chicago, as a community organizer, and it was the transformative experience of my career.

It allowed me to put my values to work and to see that real change comes not from the top-down, but from the bottom-up, when ordinary people come together around a common purpose.

The experience changed the course of my life -- and I want to share that kind of opportunity with you.

That's why we're introducing a program that's going to train a new generation of leaders -- not only to help us win this election, but to help strengthen our democracy in communities across the country.

If you apply and are selected, you'll be trained in the basic organizing principles that this campaign and our movement for change are built on. You will be assigned to a community where you'll organize supporters. Assignments will begin in June, and you'll be required to work a minimum of six weeks over the summer.

This program is designed to give you real world organizing experience that will have a concrete impact on this election.

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